Time Is Irrelevant

As I sit here, eagerly awaiting Halloween to make its annual appearance, I am transfixed to my television at 11 pm watching Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow". A number of thoughts struck me as I watched this. The first is how old the story is, written in 1820 entitled "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by William … Continue reading Time Is Irrelevant

American Hustle

As I write this, I am watching a run up to the Clinton V Trump debate. Now, I know I don't really want to get political on this blog but I feel as we here in Ireland are inexorably linked to the United States, we have to sit up and take notice once in a … Continue reading American Hustle

Critical Response to the Evolution of Storytelling

"Storytelling is evolving as fast as technology is, from papyrus, to books, blogs and twessays. What does the future hold? #DHUCCtwessay" For this critical response, I will be looking at how our class has observed how storytelling has evolved and what the future holds. To start, Jadwiga raised a very relevant and interesting point in … Continue reading Critical Response to the Evolution of Storytelling

How Web 2.0 usability has permeated our social conscious

In the last 15 years, there has been a huge shift towards better usability on the web. This mainly is a result of Web 2.0, and the rise of the social network.  In the past, graphical user interfaces were never really necessary in computing, as the tasks done by early computers were mainly administrative in … Continue reading How Web 2.0 usability has permeated our social conscious